Assunta and David engagement photo in Cagliari
Assunta and David arrived in Cagliari from the USA, with friends and relatives, a few days before the wedding. For this reason, during our chats, we thought of turning the engagement shooting into a small welcome party for their guests…
We are at the Caffè degli Spiriti on the terrace of the Sant Remy’s Bastion in Cagliari.
Assunta and David are waiting for me with the closest relatives, so we decide to move, just the two of them and me, for a walk through the streets of Castello ..
They are finally alone after some time, free to enjoy the experience …

At the end of the promenade, friends and relatives arrive to start an unforgettable aperitif. America, Italy all together to celebrate the futures Spouses …

Upon returning from the walk, friends and relatives arrive to start an unforgettable aperitif. America, Italy all together to celebrate the future Spouses …